Friday, February 20, 2009

This is the first year that I am legitimately excited about baseball season starting.
I can not wait to see the players take to the field and see what this season has in store for us.
I can't wait to see if Ortiz is healed, if Dusty can continue being awesome, who gets traded and which of the new guys makes it big.
And the best part is?
I know there are millions of others just like me, itching to see the warm weather and the boys we call family.

Yeah, it's good to be a Red Sox fan

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Well the Beanpot is over, and Northeastern's losing streak continues.
At least we made it to the finals this year?
Great memories that I'll never forget, and we'll be back again next year.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I can't wait for warm summer nights, walking around the city watching everyone's pace slow a little, enjoying the evening.
I can't wait to go to the commons and see kids running around playing, to see dogs chasing balls and lovers walking down the lanes.
I can't wait to see the leaves come out of hiding, for the landscape to turn from this dreary, cold, dirty one into one of beauty and life.
I can't wait to feel the sun on my face, sandals on my feet, and the tan (the slightest one that only a northern European can get) on my skin.
I can't wait for Red Sox games, and I really hope this apartment works out so that I can see the glow that is Fenway Park from my door.

I can't wait for summer.
Anyone have a dog they can spare?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I bought an infrared filter off craigslist a week ago, and just got it in the mail monday. This resulted in a (very cold) photoshoot during my lunch break.
I still have a LOT to learn from this, but it's definitely interesting.
I can't wait for spring to get here, I have a feeling this filter will be a lot more useful when the skies are clear, the sun's shining, and there are leaves on the trees.
I miss walking and exploring this city so much. I want it to be time for class again, solely so (as a slacker business major) I have time to walk around during daylight.

I'm shooting more basketball this weekend, let's hope I don't get trampled again.

At work I'm learning to program, which is going slowly, but hopefully I'll catch on soon and figure something out.

11:11, make a wish

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Reason #1 why I stay on my feet while shooting under the basket...